
Middle Way
Site's history
News 2024
Monthly class for harmonization with a partner and TuiShou
The practice of TuiShou (pushing hands) is enriched with a more meticulous 2 people practice. Each practitioner can choose between a slow/smooth practice and a sportier one, with free and spontaneous exchanges that are necessary for personal evolution in taichi.
16th March 2024 - Workshop Lausanne
Neigong and FangSong
Swiss Dao Cup 2024
I once again organize and arbitrate the adult Tui Shou contest during that event: 2nd June in Martigny.
More information about the 2023 event in this article.
- a video of kids demonstration at Taichi-Tcho 2017
- "Forme de Taiji: un voyage intérieur"
- a video of the children's class
- a video of the workshop given in Fribourg
- album "Memories of China 2014-2015"
- article "la réponse de relaxation"
- a video introduction on the class page
News 2023
Monthly class for harmonization with a partner and TuiShou
The practice of TuiShou (pushing hands) is enriched with a more meticulous 2 people practice. Each practitioner can choose between a slow/smooth practice and a sportier one, with free and spontaneous exchanges that are necessary for personal evolution in taichi.
Swiss Dao Cup 2023
For the second year in a row I organize and arbitrate the adult Tui Shou contest during that event.
More information in this article.
18 November 2023 - Workshop Lausanne
Neigong and FangSong
- a video of kids demonstration at Taichi-Tcho 2017
- "Forme de Taiji: un voyage intérieur"
- a video of the children's class
- a video of the workshop given in Fribourg
- album "Memories of China 2014-2015"
- article "la réponse de relaxation"
- a video introduction on the class page
News 2022
This year is my 27th year of practicing Taiji Quan, still guided by the peculiar teaching of Yang LaoShi. I keep on improving my "internal flow" (通透 TongTou), and supplement it with more physical training (endurance, musculation, etc.) in order to maintain my middle way for my 50 years.
2022 Regular workshops in Lausanne
We organise regular workshops in Lausanne since November 2021.
More information here.
Monthly class for harmonization with a partner and TuiShou
The practice of TuiShou (pushing hands) is enriched with a more meticulous 2 people practice. Each practitioner can choose between a slow/smooth practice and a sportier one, with free and spontaneous exchanges that are necessary for personal evolution in taichi.
- a video of kids demonstration at Taichi-Tcho 2017
- "Forme de Taiji: un voyage intérieur"
- a video of the children's class
- a video of the workshop given in Fribourg
- album "Memories of China 2014-2015"
- article "la réponse de relaxation"
- a video introduction on the class page
News 2021
This year is my 26th year of practicing Taiji Quan, 20 years following the peculiar teaching of Yang LaoShi. I keep on improving my "internal flow" (通透 TongTou), and I hope to share about it with interested practitioners. Since a few months I am developing a system of levels which seems to me an advantage to enrich my pedagogical approach
2021 Regular workshops in Lausanne
We organise regular workshops in Lausanne since November 2021.
More information here.
Monthly class for harmonization with a partner and TuiShou
The practice of TuiShou (pushing hands) is enriched with a more meticulous 2 people practice. Each practitioner can choose between a slow/smooth practice and a sportier one, with free and spontaneous exchanges that are necessary for personal evolution in taichi.
News 2020
This year is my 25th year of practicing Taiji Quan, 19 years following the peculiar teaching of Yang LaoShi. I keep on improving my "internal flow" (通透 TongTou), and I hope to share about it with interested practitioners. Since a few months I am developing a system of levels which seems to me an advantage to enrich my pedagogical approach
First thursday of every month
Monthly class for harmonization with a partner and TuiShou
The practice of TuiShou (pushing hands) is enriched this year with a more meticulous 2 people practice. Each practitioner can choose between a slow/smooth practice and a sportier one, with free and spontaneous exchanges that are necessary for personal evolution in taichi.
Autumn 2020
Workshops in Lausanne
Energy work based on the mind-body connection
Saturday 19th September
Sunday 11th October
Informations here.
- a video of kids demonstration at Taichi-Tcho 2017
- "Forme de Taiji: un voyage intérieur"
- a video of the children's class
- a video of the workshop given in Fribourg
- album "Memories of China 2014-2015"
- article "la réponse de relaxation"
- a video introduction on the class page
News 2018
First thursday of every month
New in 2018: monthly TuiShou class
Practice of TuiShou (pushing hands), combining exercises and a lot of free and spontaneous exchanges, according to everyone's expectations.
This year is my 23nd year of practicing Taiji Quan, 17 years following the peculiar teaching of Yang LaoShi. I keep on improving my "internal flow" (通透 TongTou), and I hope to share about it with interested practitioners.
Latest site updates
- a video of kids demonstration at Taichi-Tcho 2017
- "Forme de Taiji: un voyage intérieur"
- a video of the children's class
- a video of the workshop given in Fribourg
- album "Memories of China 2014-2015"
- article "la réponse de relaxation"
- a video introduction on the class page
Date to be announced
Tuishou in Lausanne
Pratique de TuiShou orientée "découverte", organisée avec Nicole Henriod.
Pratique gratuite et ouverte à toutes et tous, me contacter pour plus d'informationils here
3rd June 2017
Wudang Competition
For the second time we will take part in the pushing hand competition in Padova (Italy) with the kids of the wednesday class. See the video of the 2017 competition on the class presentation page.
27th August
Resumption of classes
Fist class after the summer break In Martigny and Collombey-Le-Grand
News 2017
This year is my 22nd year of practicing Taiji Quan, 16 years following the peculiar teaching of Yang LaoShi. I keep on improving my "internal flow" (通透 TongTou), and I hope to share about it with interested practitioners.
Latest site updates
- "Forme de Taiji: un voyage intérieur"
- a video of the children's class
- a video of the workshop given in Fribourg
- album "Memories of China 2014-2015"
- article "la réponse de relaxation"
- a video introduction on the class page
- a video of Yang Cheng Long
5th March
Tuishou in Lausanne
Pratique de TuiShou orientée "découverte", organisée avec Nicole Henriod.
Pratique gratuite et ouverte à toutes et tous, me contacter pour plus d'informationils here
4th June 2017
Wudang Competition
Three kids of the wednesday class took part in the pushing hand competition in Padova (Italy) and are all medalists. Video on the class presentation page.
28th August
Resumption of classes
Fist class after the summer break In Martigny and Collombey-Le-Grand
27th-29th October
Taichi Tcho 2017
We will give workshops there, with other international level teachers. All informations here.
News 2016
This year is my 21st year of practicing Taiji Quan, 15 years following the peculiar teaching of Yang LaoShi. I keep on improving my "internal flow" (通透 TongTou), and I hope to share about it with interested practitioners.
Latest site updates
- "Forme de Taiji: un voyage intérieur"
- a video of the children's class
- a video of the workshop given in Fribourg
- album "Memories of China 2014-2015"
- article "la réponse de relaxation"
- a video introduction on the class page
- a video of Yang Cheng Long
12th March
Workshop for the Judo-Club Martigny
30th August
Resumption of classes
Fist class in Collombey-Le-Grand after the summer break. And a new class starting in Martigny.
13th November
Tuishou in Lausanne
Pratique de TuiShou orientée "découverte", organisée avec Nicole Henriod.
Pratique gratuite et ouverte à toutes et tous, me contacter pour plus d'informationils here
News 2015
I did celebrate 20 years of practicing Taiji Quan, and an interesting development of my TongTou internal work.
11th January
MAVA Demonstration
A public demonstration of the different martial arts that are part of the MAVA, in Conthey (VS). Watch the video on my blog post.
18th-22nd February
Push Hands Meeting Hannover
I took part in this event: 6 hours of taiji a day: workshops with skilled teachers and free tuishou
9-10 May
Workshop in Lausanne
I will lead a NeiGong and TuiShou workshop, organized by Nicole Henriod. Details here. A video here.
6th June
Workshop in Château-D'Oex - Dandao
I will lead a workshop during a week-end organized by Dandao. Thank you Danièla for the invitation.
30th October
Tai-Chi Tcho 2015
Where I give a workshop about FangSong and TongTou, more information on the event's page.
27.09 - Workshop in Bern. where I shared my work in a workshop organised by Adrian Tineo. See the video on my blog.
27.04 -Creation of the "Martial Arts Valais Association", where I am delighted to see Taiji Quan represented amongst all kinds of martial arts, in an exchange and sharing goal. Thank you to Michael for all his energy.

2014 - Site
03.07 Adding a page about the classes Thang & me organize (french only)
02.01 Blog post "Utilisation de la force (Li 力), du Yi (意), du Qi (气) ?" (french only)
2013 - Site
15.12 Blog post "T'ai Chi In A Nutshell~Gene Burnett"
08.12 Blog post "Pourquoi chercher à comprendre ?"
06.12 Publishing the blog.
11.22 My profile in english
11.17 Online version of my printed flyer
11.08 Updating a page about my Taiji journey
10.25 First online version