
Middle Way
An essay on the Taiji Quan Lun (attributed to its legendary creator Zhang San Feng 张三丰)
Some key concepts explained in the context of this translation
气 Qi: Body's energy, referring to the nerve impulses (electrochemical exchanges of the central and peripheral nervous system). I don't limit my understanding of Qi to this, but nonetheless it is an important aspect in the context of this translation.
意 Yi: The "sound 音 of the heart 心"* relates to proprioception (one's own perception) and I extend this concept to the functions of the brain that give us a conscious access to our sensitive (proprioception and other sensory receptors) and motor capacities. The ancient concepts of conscious experience (Yi) of the body's energy (Qi) or guiding Qi with Yi find thus a scientific support.
节 Jie: This concept can refer to each joint (关节), but also, in an ancient meaning of the Chinese character, to each acupuncture point and by extension to each body cell according to YangLaoshi.
Brain plasticity: Capacity of the brain to reorganize itself by modifying its neural connections, thus sustaining evolution and learning.
TaiJiQuan practice relies strongly on the two basic rules of cerebral plasticity: "use it or lose it" and "neurons that fire together wire together".
You will find links between those key-concepts and the translation in the inner page of the flyer
* source: Gérald Moulin, doctor of TCM cours de moxibustion, 2013